After birding a number of parts of Europe, TOWHEE.NET has a collection of notes and some advice
on where to go and what to look for. This is only a personal supplement to the many fine books
and online guides that already exist. For Americans, Harry Fuller is publishing a series of
pieces in the American Birding Association's Winging It. They're on convenient, good birding
spots in some of Europe's main cities. We can provide you tips on what you can find in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Rome, Frankfurt, Estonia, southern Spain, the Greek Islands and
other interesting birding spots. Just email your questions.
In this section (most recent first):
Same Bird, Different Names - August 2006
Petals on the Metal - London, April 2006
The Loire and Lord of the Air - Spring 2006 (uploaded September 2006)
Thick-knees - August 2005, near Rutland, UK (uploaded September 2006)
Life, London - August 2005
Clear Island, County Cork - April 2005
Snow Birds - March 2005
Vondelpark, Amsterdam - A green respite for birders
Whistling in the Dark - Fox and birds, London and Bosham, December 2004
Stranger in a Farne Land - Puffins and others in the Farne Islands
Albion Autumn - A birding walk in London, October 2004
September in Denmark - September 2004
Rye Bred and Dutch Treats - Rye again, and Amsterdam birds
Bird Sounds
Farne Islands, England - National Nature Reserve, famous for seabirds
Rye and Rhine - South coast of England, and river birds in Germany
Lesvos, Greece - A week in April 2004
January, London - A birding walk in January 2004
September, London - A birding walk in September
Kent Birding - Bird list, November 9-10 2002